刘福洋先生,是一名国内顶尖的传统舞/当代舞的表演艺术家。在他20年的艺术生命里,刘福洋先生作为一名国家级A级舞蹈表演艺术家曾经得到过许许多多的奖项(包括莲花奖)。 现在刘福洋先生被聘为浙江省歌舞剧院表演中心负责人。
在中英文化交流年之际, 基于刘福洋先生对于艺术的热爱和对英国表演艺术的向往,我们公司将于2016年为刘福洋先生量身打造了一系列来英国学习表演舞蹈的深造项目。
Communicating between the UK and China through theatrical productions and arts education
刘福洋先生,是一名国内顶尖的传统舞/当代舞的表演艺术家。在他20年的艺术生命里,刘福洋先生作为一名国家级A级舞蹈表演艺术家曾经得到过许许多多的奖项(包括莲花奖)。 现在刘福洋先生被聘为浙江省歌舞剧院表演中心负责人。
在中英文化交流年之际, 基于刘福洋先生对于艺术的热爱和对英国表演艺术的向往,我们公司将于2016年为刘福洋先生量身打造了一系列来英国学习表演舞蹈的深造项目。
Fuyang Liu is a high-profiled Chinese traditional/Contemporary dance artist. His dancing career spans two decades, in which time Fuyang has won many awards including the national Lotus Award for professional dance. Fuyang has also been given the title of China National Class-A Dance Performer and has been selected to be the Chief Performer and Head of Performance at Zhejiang Song&Dance Theatre.
In the official year of cultural exchange between the UK and China, WE designed a professional development trip for Fuyang, who expressed interest in learning from UK artists in order to develop his dance skills. After consulting Fuyang about his interests and goals, WE offered him full package of travel and courses, which will took place in early 2016.
2016年1月,WE文化传播联手业内专家,为戏剧爱好者精心打造一次全方位的独家戏剧体验之旅。本体验项目旨在以戏剧为核心,为戏剧爱好者和从业者提供从不同角度、不同深度了解英国文化的机会。项目的15名参与者在为期2周的时间内,深度参与了世界级音乐剧现场观摩、剧场后台参观、戏剧高校访问、国际顶尖制作团队专业指导和系统性表演训练等活动,还游览了伦敦及周边著名景点。 “戏剧深度体验项目”作为本公司“教育与文化游”业务的一部分,将成为常态戏剧活动。
WE Culture Connect launched the ‘In-depth Theatre Experience’ in January 2016 in London, offering an education tour designed for people with passion and interest in theatre. The project gives participants the opportunity to experience a wide range of theatre in a variety of contexts and genres. Over 15 Musical Theatre students, amateurs and professionals from China have taken part so far. The group experienced more than 20 theatre related activities, including watching shows, theatre backstage tours, Shakespeare’s Birth Place tours, Musical Theatre training, performance workshops and performance institution tours.
上榜英国《戏剧报》“最佳戏剧学校”的伦敦艺术教育学院与WECC联手,为喜爱戏剧、表演的朋友奉上专业又有趣的音乐剧排演工作坊。为期两天紧张的训练中,参与者在英国资深老师的指导下,体验从剧本剖析到形体训练、从台词朗读到声乐强化的全过程,并在课程结束时协作完成著名音乐剧的片段演出。参与者获得由伦敦艺术教育学院颁发的工作坊证书,以及由WE文化传播制作的温馨纪念册。 作为本公司“教育与文化游”板块内的活动,WE文化传播将长期组织并运行工作坊类似活动。伦敦艺术教育学院( Arts Educational Schools London )是伦敦最杰出的艺术培训学校,也是英国最顶尖的表演艺术教育机构之一。该校的名誉校长为音乐剧巨才安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯。学院为伦敦西区剧场、百老汇剧院、和各大电影电视公司培养全面的从业人员,尤其是在舞蹈和戏剧方面非常突出。
WE Culture Connect, in collaboration with the Arts Educational Schools London (‘Best Drama School’ The Stage), launched a Musical Theatre Rehearsal Taster Workshop in April 2016. Led by three experienced teachers from ArtsED, the two-day workshop offered a genuine experience of rehearsing for a musical show. The workshop included everything involved in the professional process; from script reading to singing, dancing and acting. Participants in the UK performed a ‘graduation showcase’ on the second day and also received a wonderful workshop certificate from ArtsED.
劳伦斯·奥利弗奖(Laurence Olivier Awards),是英国最重要的戏剧及音乐剧奖项。由伦敦戏剧协会(Society of London Theatre)每年颁发,以劳伦斯·奥立佛爵士的名字命名,旨在表彰於伦敦演出的优秀戏剧。这一奖项也是中国戏剧领域最为关注的世界级奖项,此前每年的颁奖礼都备受瞩目,但中国观众一直无缘得见,这次是该颁奖礼首次在中国进行系列官方放映,上海黄浦区成为首映点。为了促进黄浦区“环人民广场演艺活力区”与伦敦西区的交流和对话,WE 文化传播和上海雍和文化传播共同邀请到了伦敦剧院协会的代表来到上海,于2016年6月中旬在上海香港广场举办“劳伦斯·奥利弗奖40 周年展览”和“2016 年劳伦斯·奥利弗奖颁奖礼中国官方首映礼”等系列活动。
The Laurence Olivier Awards are the most prestigious awards for theatre and musical productions in Great Britain. Named after British actor Sir Laurence Olivier, the award is presented annually by the Society of London Theatre to honor excellence in theatre productions across London. This award is also one of the most recognised in the Chinese theatre industry. The award ceremony attracts a large amount of attention each year, but Chinese audience are not able to watch the ceremony in China. This year, WECC organised the first screening of 2016 Olivier Awards Ceremony at the Xintiandi Festival, Shanghai. We hope to encourage exchange and conversation between the “People’s Square Rim Performing Arts Cluster” and the London West End. WECC is honored to invite the representatives from the Society of London theatre to Shanghai to present the screening alongside the other events at Shanghai Hong Kong Plaza.
“表演艺术新天地” 是上海市黄浦区十三五规划 “环人民广场演艺聚集区” 建设计划中的艺术节展类重点孵化项目,该艺术节展活动发挥 “淮海路—新天地” 年轻时尚人流云集、商业综合体集聚的优势,以新天地为核心,利用咖啡馆、博物馆、餐厅、中庭等公共空间,为观众集中展现最新的国内外优秀剧
目,打造全国首个利用商业街区的室内外空间举办的创新形态艺术节展,是中国艺术节领域形式创新、内容创新、机制创新的重要代表性节展。这一活动从2016年起,于每年6月定期举办,2016年为该活动首次举办。艺术节展期间,来自来自英国、法国、澳大利亚、捷克、中国、中国台湾等国家和区的16个优秀剧目相继上演,演出场次达到近200场,参与的嘉宾和艺术家多大120余人,吸引上千名观众观看。2016 “表演艺术新天地” 期间 WE 文化传播
负责策划 “创新形态的表演艺术节展” 国际对谈。对谈于2016年6 月11 日- 14 日举行,受邀代表来自英国、德国、法国、日本和中国的各艺术节、艺术中心、剧展、文化管理部门。对谈期间,代表们观赏了 “表演艺术新天地” 的14 部作品,并在节目观赏期间,围绕多个案例和主题进行交流和研讨,详细探讨如何在新的时代环境之下,依据各地的不同条件和艺术资源,举办具有特色的创新形态表演艺术节展。
Shanghai Xintiandi Festival, launched in June 2016, presents an annual performance art festival and also plays host to international conferences and symposiums about the performing arts in China. Xintiandi Festival is a part of the construction plan of “People’s Square Rim Performing Arts Cluster”, 13th Five-Year Plan of Shanghai Huangpu District. The festival takes full advantage of it’s Huaihai Road, Xintiandi location. This area is a destination for the young and stylish, and boasts many commercial complexes. Focused around Xintiandi, the festival operates from cafés, museums, restaurants, atriums and other public spaces. The festival has presented works from both Chinese and international artists and is the very first performing arts festival in China to use both indoor and outdoor spaces. It is hugely significant and progressive in the Chinese arts festival world and pioneers in both form and quality. WECC organised the “Innovative Performing Arts Festival Forum” as a part of the event and delegates from the arts sectors across the world participated.